New Pit Latrine for Government School in Southwest Cameroon

New four-stance pit latrine is the first toilet facility for children attending Enyandong school in more than 15 years.

About the Project

The project consisted of construction of a four compartment, gender sensitive pit latrine and provision of access to potable water at a school, including donation of WASH materials.


Enyandong Village, Bangem subdivision, Southwest Region of Cameroon

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateFebruary – May 2024
Luena Investment$3,900
VillageEnyandong Village
# of Children Impacted105
Community ContributionManual labor and locally available materials

Barriers to Education in Enyandong Village

Government School (G.S.) Enyandong currently serves two villages, Elaah and Enyandong, and has been operating for more than fifteen years with no good toilet facilities. The present pit latrine is in poor and dilapidated condition, is shared by the whole school, and is virtually exposed, providing no privacy, especially for girls and staff. Pupils and staff have to use any other spaces that are available, like the nearby cassava farms, to relieve themselves. According to the head teacher for G.S. Enyandong, three pupils have even fallen into the pit accidentally while trying to use the pit latrine, thereby rendering the school campus unsafe for the children. This problem is further compounded by lack of access to clean water for the children, as they do not have water available in their school campus for proper hygiene and sanitation practices. The lack of a good toilet and hand washing facilities is not only affecting the children’s health, but it has also created a huge barrier to education for them as they tend to miss classes due to diarrhea-related diseases.

Improved Hygiene and Sanitation Conditions

Luena Foundation’s donation was used to construct a new and gender sensitive pit toilet. The toilet was partitioned into four separate sections, two for males and two for females. Part of the funding was also used to connect water to the school campus, set up a hand washing station, and provide WASH materials such as water bottles to the children. The project has directly benefited 105 poor and needy children and 5 staff. The project was highly appreciated by the children and teachers of the school as well as the entire Enyandong village. One of the biggest barriers to the children’s education – lack of toilets and clean water – has been removed, reducing absenteeism in classes which was very high before this project. The project was also highly appreciated as it has led to improvements in academic performance and children’s hygiene and sanitation conditions.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Initiatives for Sustainable Development (ISUDEV) is a youth-led development and nonprofit organization, whose mission is to remove all barriers for the alleviation of poverty among disadvantaged children, youths, marginalized women and indigenous populations especially in hard-to-reach communities.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
