Partner with Luena Foundation
We actively seek out small, grassroots organizations that dedicate themselves to improving the lives of children all over the world.
We partner with community-based organizations (CBOs), offering flexible cash grants that range from $750 to $5,000 USD to candidate organizations that complete our rigorous due diligence process. Through our direct investment, we help provide these organizations with the resources they need to achieve their visions of creating transformational change in their communities at the local level.
in grants awarded
completed projects
average grant size
invested locally in partnership with grassroots community leaders

To meet our eligibility requirements as a prospective partner, you should:
- Work or volunteer for a community-based organization that serves local children, youth, and families.
- Possess a deep understanding of the community targeted and reside within the community you aim to serve (Luena Foundation only supports organizations that originate within the communities that they seek to improve);
- Demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the wellbeing of children and young people, with a particular focus on those who are marginalized due to factors such as race, gender, gender identity, social class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, national origin, geographical location, refugee/IDP status or other determinants.
- Embrace a culture of exploration, continuous learning, innovation, and continual improvement in your endeavors.
- Acknowledge the importance of collaboration and recognize your role within a broader ecosystem.
- Focus on any of our key focus areas, including education and arts, good health, food security, WASH, forming safe spaces and promoting social inclusion (frreedom from violence and exploitation), promoting gender equality, and/or empowering youth.
- Your organiation must have legal status as a local community-based organization or charitable organization capable of receiving international funding to a bank account that is registered in the name of your organization.
- Have the capacity and desire to assess and measure the outcomes and impact of your initiatives. Ideally, your organization has already established a proven track record in promoting transformative change in the target community.
- Prioritize the safety and well-being of children and youth, either by implementing safeguarding policies or committing to their implementation. Refer to Luena’s Child Protection Policy here.
- Extra points if your organization is either founded or led by young people, or they hold significant positions within it.
General Criteria for Project Funding Requests:
Project Criteria:
- Relevance and Need: The project must address a clear and pressing need within the community. Evidence of community involvement and support is essential.
- Sustainability: The project should demonstrate potential for sustainability beyond the funding period. This includes plans for future funding, community ownership, and long-term impact.
- Impact and Outcomes: Projects should have clear, measurable goals and outcomes that significantly benefit children and youth.
- Innovation: Preference will be given to projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to solving community issues.
- Scalability: Projects should have the potential to be scaled or replicated in other communities if successful.
Application Requirements:
- Project Proposal: A detailed project proposal outlining the objectives, activities, expected outcomes, and budget. The proposal should also explain how the project aligns with the Luena Foundation’s mission.
- Budget Breakdown: A comprehensive budget that includes all project costs and specifies how the grant funds will be utilized.
- A plan detailing how the project’s progress and impact will be monitored and evaluated.
- Organizational Profile: Background information on the organization, including its history, mission, key personnel, and previous experience with similar projects.
- Contact information for at least two references who can attest to the organization’s credibility and capacity to carry out the project.
Funding Limits:
- The Luena Foundation provides grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 USD per project, depending on the scope and scale of the initiative.
Reporting Requirements:
- Progress Reports: Grantees must submit progress reports detailing activities completed, challenges faced, and progress toward achieving project goals.
Final Report: Upon completion of the project, a comprehensive final report must be submitted, including an assessment of outcomes, lessons learned, and a financial report detailing how the funds were spent.

What does Luena Foundation not fund?
- We do not fund efforts that attempt to influence legislation or the outcome of any public election, in support of any political campaign or candidate for public office, or for any other form of lobbying.
We do not fund evangelism or proselytizing, or programs that require adherence and/or conversion to religious doctrine. - We do not in any way fund organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation; or groups that support violent activities or violate criminal law.
- Luena Foundation does not fund projects where the founders or members of the Board of Directors have a personal financial interest.
We do not support individuals, expat-founded organizations, or international NGOs.
With very few exceptions, we do not support orphanages, as we believe children thrive best in families.
Ready to apply?
If you wish to have your organization considered as a candidate to be a Luena Foundation partner, we encourage you to submit a Prospective New Partner Organizational Profile.