Paying Fees for Secondary School Students in Southern Malawi

Payment of school fees allows secondary school students to continue their education

About the Project

The project consisted of paying annual school fees for 17 students.


Chimire, Malawi

Quick Project Stats

Funding Date2025
Luena Investment$600
CBO PartnerNancholi Youth Organisation (NAYO)
# of Children Impacted17
Community Contributionpurchase of school uniforms for students

Vulnerable Students Struggle to Attend School

Education is a fundamental right that empowers children with the knowledge and skills they need to build a better future. However, orphans and vulnerable children often face significant challenges in accessing education due to financial constraints, lack of school materials, and socio-economic hardships. This initiative focuses on providing educational support to ensure that these children remain in school and achieve their full potential.

Access to Education Empowers Students

The donation from Luena Foundation was used to pay the school fees for 17 secondary school students for one year. The impacts of this support are many:

  • Improved school enrollment and retention rates among vulnerable children who would otherwise drop out due to financial hardships.
  • Greater sense of dignity and confidence among students who can attend school without feeling disadvantaged.
  • Long-term socio-economic benefits, as educated children are better positioned to secure employment and break the cycle of poverty.
  • Strengthened community development, as educated youth contribute to social and economic growth, creating a more resilient society.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Nancholi Youth Organisation (NAYO) is a non-governmental organisation whose mission is to help those suffering from HIV/AIDS by providing social, nutritional and educational support.

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
