About the Project
The project consisted of buying bakery equipment and materials to empower women with baking skills.
Kawangware slums, Nairobi, Kenya
Quick Project Stats
Funding Date | April 2024 |
Luena Investment | $1,500 |
CBO Partner | Upendo Women Initiative |
Village | Kawangware |
Country | Kenya |
# of Children Impacted | 100 |
Community Contribution | instructor, training space, electricity expenses |
Financial Barriers to School Attendance in Nairobi Slums
Kawangware slums is a low-income residential area in Nairobi with a population of over 500,000 inhabitants. 70% of the population are children and youths. Due to the high rate of unemployment and poverty, many children miss school and sometimes even drop out. Schools play a vital role in the development and well-being of children in the society. If they are not in school, it becomes very challenging for parents to monitor their movement, and this might leave them vulnerable to crime and drugs.
Training Program Supports Family Income for Food and Education
The donation from Luena Foundation was used to purchase bakery equipment and materials in order to train 30 mothers with baking skills such as making cake, bread, buns, and pita bread. The women will be able to sell baked goods in the shops in our community. This will provide them with extra income to be able to buy food for their children and take their kids to school.
As a result of the program, Teresia Muthoni (pictured below, left), has been able to place her eldest son, who has autism, in a school for special needs. Jecinta Njoki (pictured below, center) can make bread, buns, banana cake, vanilla cake, and cookies. She makes $3 a day from selling the cakes, and now she is able to provide basic needs to her four children.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Upendo Women Initiative is a non-profit organization that is based in the Kawangware slums of Nairobi, Kenya.