Construction of a Rural Community School Designed to Reduce Dangerous Wildlife-Human Encounters in Village Bordering South Luangwa National Park, Zambia

About the Project Consisted of the construction of a rural, community school that will benefit approximately 200 of the community’s youngest children. Location Mnkhanya Chiefdom is located within Lupande Game Management Area, a buffer zone where people live in marginalized land bordering the world-famous South Luangwa National Park (SLNP) in eastern Zambia. Quick Project Stats Funding […]
Reconstruction of Rural School Impacted by Civil War in North Kivu, DRC

About the Project Reconstruction of a rural school in Mugunga District, North Kiva, DRC. Our efforts were aimed at reconditioning the classrooms which had been vandalized by armed militia groups who had been using the school as a local headquarters. In addition, our funding provided a four-compartment latrine and fresh water collection point for the […]

With a Young Changemaker’s grant from Luena Foundation, Benjamin Lam was able to purchase nine blood pressure cuffs and blood pressure medications that were used to treat hypertensive patients in the rural villages of San Pedro, San Narciso, and Libertad in northern Belize. Ben Lam is an incoming freshman at Tulane University who plans to […]
OLD: Getting Children off the Streets in Kenya: The Zawadi Rescue Center
Getting Children off the Streets in Kenya: The Zawadi Rescue Center In late September 2023, we rescued 34 children living on the streets in Kenya. This is the story of how it happened. Across the globe, 16.6 million children have lost one or both parents to HIV; 90% of these orphans are in sub-Saharan Africa[1]. […]