Buea Primary School Latrine Construction & Clean Drinking Water Scheme in Southwest Cameroon 

Students from Muea Village in front of their primary school where Luena Foundation constructed a new latrine and a fresh drinking water scheme

About the Project

Consisted of construction of a four compartment, gender-sensitive pit-latrine, extension of pipe-borne clean drinking water to the school, provision of classroom furniture (50 desks)


Muea Village, Buea Town, South West Region of Cameroon

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateDecember 2020 – April 2021
Luena Investment$5,000 USD
CBO PartnerAction For Change (AFC)
VillageMuea Village, Buea Town
# of Children Impacted440
Community Contributionmanual labor, contribution of locally-available materials (gravel)

Barriers to Education in Southwest Cameroon

Muea village has a growing population of over 5,000 inhabitants of which 98% practice subsistence agriculture for survival. Most families earn less than $2 USD a day and live below the poverty line as defined by UN. Illiteracy and birth rate in Muea village is quite high with girls being most vulnerable. Cholera outbreaks in the village, especially among the children, were frequent occurrences due to the lack of safe drinking water at the school and the practice of open defecation. School classrooms in the region have become overcrowded due to the influx of internally displaced people (IDP) fleeing the ongoing Anglophone Crisis in the northern part of the country, and in Muea Primary School’s case, many children were forced to sit on the floor during class due a lack of sufficient desks and chairs.

WASH a Critical Element Lacking in Cameroon

Our donation of $5,000 was used to construct a four compartment, gender-sensitive pit-latrine (separate sections for boys and girls), extend pipe-borne clean drinking water to the school and provide 50 desks for the classrooms.  Our efforts benefit the 440 children attending Muea Primary School and their six teachers.

The project was deemed of high importance by the community and beneficiaries because it would enhance education (increase classroom retention rates), ensure hygiene and sanitation, eliminate all forms of preventable diseases and deaths resulting from poor hygiene and sanitation (including COVID-19) and drinking of contaminated water.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Action for Change is a development-driven nonprofit organization registered in Cameroon with the mission of empowering and improving the living conditions of children, women & disadvantaged rural and indigenous communities in marginalized southwest English-speaking region of the country with a focus on education, community development, water, hygiene and sanitation, environmental protection and the promotion of livelihood initiatives, poverty alleviation and economic autonomy for the less privileged.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
