Healthy Food for Vulnerable Children in Kenya

Nutrition program feeds children with special needs, orphans, and street children

About the Project

The project consisted of purchasing food supplies and mattresses to serve children at Aswani Kizito’s Project of Hope.


Kawangware, Nairobi, Kenya

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateOctober – November 2024
Luena Investment$2,400
CBO PartnerAswani Kizito’s Project of Hope
# of Children Impacted290
Community Contributionmanual labor and in-kind food donations

Children Need Consistent and Healthy Meals

Aswani Kizito’s Project of Hope initiative has been operating in the Kawangware slum since 2010. In the past 14 years, they have educated over 330 children free of charge through primary school and enrolled countless into secondary schools and vocational schools. All of the children who are served by this program receive three meals per day, which is a significant expense for the organization.

Food Program Provides Essential Support for Well-Being

The donation from Luena Foundation was used to purchase food to support the nutrition program of three healthy meals each day for the children. In addition, the donation helped to purchase mattresses to upgrade the bedding that is provided for children.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Aswani Kizito’s Project of Hope is a project to build a new home for orphaned children who are currently living in the slums of Kawangare and who so deserve the care and attention we have to offer them. We want to create a Children’s Centre, based in a new community development in Kitengela,​ that offers them the space in which to can grow and develop, receive an education, and eventually become productive members of society. 

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
