
With close to 44% of its population under the age of 18, Bolivia struggles with the effects of multidimensional poverty which include a high infant mortality rate, child labor, limited access to education in rural areas, and the marginalization of indigenous groups.

Project 1: Hogar del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Cochabamba)

Hogar de Sagrado Corazón currently houses forty-three children with limited capacities, some of them with multiple disabilities and is dedicated to ensuring that these children have a better quality of life. Luena Foundation’s grant paid the salary of one caregiver for a year.

Project 2: VOSERDEM (VOluntarios al SERvicio de los DEMás)

Luena Foundation supported the work of  VOSERDEM’s Abuelitas de las Calles (Impoverished Grandmothers) program, an initiative that provides food donations and other social support to the elderly that are living on the brink of extreme poverty; many of whom are struggling to personally support their grandchildren and other family members. Along with providing food donations every other week, this organization also provides the abuelitas with free medical examinations and other types of support.

Project 3: Hogar Wasinchej: Cochabamba 

Luena Foundation supported and volunteered at a foster home for orphaned/abandoned girls ranging in ages from 4-18 years. Along with providing housing, food, and a comfortable place to live, these girls are granted opportunities to study at universities in Bolivia and abroad, and explore their personal talents and interests.

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