About the Project
The project consisted of upgrading latrines and hand washing units in 10 schools.
Munami Village, Matungu Subcounty, Kakamega County, Kenya
Quick Project Stats
Funding Date | March – May 2024 |
Luena Investment | $1,500 |
CBO Partner | Matungu Community Development Charity (MCDC) |
Village | Munami |
Country | Kenya |
# of Children Impacted | 7,000 |
Community Contribution | manual labor |
Lack of Safe Toilets Puts Children at Risk
In Matungu subcounty, there are more than 7,000 children enrolled in 10 schools. These children have no good toilet facility to use when they are in school, and as such, they go to the toilet in the bush or even on the school premises. This puts children at risk of infection, diseases, and insect or animal bites as they are not safe with the lack of toilet facilities in their school.
In rural Africa, where access to proper sanitation is often limited, the Sato toilet has been deployed in countries like Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. Its adoption has led to measurable improvements in health outcomes, such as reduced rates of diarrhea and other sanitation-related illnesses, particularly among children, who are most vulnerable to these diseases.
New Latrines Improve Student Health and School Attendance
The donation from Luena Foundation was used to purchase 91 SATO toilets and pans in order to upgrade pit latrines and to install hand washing units in 10 schools. We converted 91 open pit latrines to modern, clean toilets with the SATO pans. SATO’s innovative trapdoor toilet is important because it eliminates odors to keep the toilet area smelling fresh and keeps flies and insects away for a safer toilet experience. The project was deemed of high impact by the community and beneficiaries because it enhanced education by increasing student enrollment and retention rates, it ensured good hygiene and sanitation, and it eliminated all forms of preventable diseases and deaths resulting from poor hygiene and sanitation.
By addressing the root causes of poor sanitation, the Sato toilet is playing a crucial role in improving health outcomes and contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which aims to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Matungu Community Development Charity is committed to the promotion of people’s active participation in ameliorating their environment, livelihood, and health and, by extension, that of their communities.
To learn more about our partner organization, click here.