Likoko Primary School Latrine Reconstruction, Safety Upgrade, and Donation of School Supplies in Southwest Cameroon

Students from Likoko Primary School receiving new textbooks and school supplies

About the Projects

1st Project: Luena provided funding to purchase and distribute textbooks and basic school supplies and also to construct 12 benches, 2 tables and 4 chairs.

2nd Project: Consisted of the renovation and safety upgrade of a four compartment pit-latrine toilet at Likoko Primary School.


Likoko Village, Fako Division, South West Region of Cameroon

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateJuly and August 2021
Luena Investment$1,000 and $2,250 USD
VillageLikoko Village, Fako Division
# of Children Impacted308
Community Contributiondigging of foundation for the raised wall 

Marginalized Community Harboring a Surge of IDPs from Northwestern Cameroon

Likoko is village located at the foot of Mount Fako in Buea central sub division, Fako Division in the South West Region-Cameroon, Africa. The village has a total population of about 1,000 inhabitants of which 97% of the population are peasant farmers living far below the UN poverty line. The village is hosting many families and children who are orphans whose parents died as a result of either as a result 1) HIV/AIDS or 2) the ongoing Anglophone Crisis that has affected the southwestern part of the country since in 2016.

WASH Upgrade Combined With Donation of Desks and Benches for Students

1st Donation: Our donation of $1,000 was used to purchase and distribute textbooks and basic school supplies and also to construct 12 benches, 2 tables and 4 chairs. Our efforts benefit the children attending Likoko Primary School and their teachers.

2nd Donation: Our donation of $2,250 was used to rehabilitate a destroyed pit-latrine toilet as well as to provide additional school furniture for the 308 children attending Likoko Primary Group 1 and 2. We removed the latrine’s former roof which was leaking in several places, repainted and waterproofed the walls, and constructed a key safety upgrade which was designed to keep vagrants and potential sexual predators from accessing the toilet block.

Primary Objectives Help to Keep Kids in School

The initiative works to: 1) solve the issue of scrambling and fighting over sitting positions in the classrooms through the donation of more benches, tables and chairs to the neighboring primary school GP2, 2) increase access to quality basic education by 50% in Likoko village to especially mature female pupils, 3) to curb environmental pollution resulting from children defacating on school pavement and provide privacy to especially menstruating school girls and teachers, and 4) to make the latrines more secure and accessible only to the school community.

Additional Measures Taken to Ensure Sustainability

In addition, the  PTA committee has introduced a compulsory level of 500 FRS CFA to be paid by each pupil every academic year for the maintenance of the furniture and the school latrine. A “Clean School” campaign to be practiced by the kids have been launched in the school as well.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Considering the deplorable socio-economic and environmental problems such as high unemployment rate plaguing especially the youths, abject poverty, illiteracy and environmental degradation, a group of dynamic young men and women came together and initiated a development programme aimed at combating the above problems. The development initiative was named: Centre for Community Development and Environmental Restoration (CENCUDER).

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
