Nutrition for Vulnerable Children in Central Uganda

Food supplies arrive at God’s Love Home and School in Kibwa, Uganda

About the Project

The project consisted of purchasing food to support orphans housed at God’s Love Home and School.


Kibwa Village, Uganda

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateFebruary – April 2025
Luena Investment$2,000
CBO PartnerGod’s Love Home and School
# of Children Impacted60
Community Contributionmanual labor

God’s Love Home Must Provide for All Needs of Sheltered Orphans

There are currently 60 orphans/abandoned children at God’s Love Home who need to be sent to school, fed, clothed, and provided with medical assistance and shelter. Leaving them without help means putting them at risk of starvation, disease, and sexual persecution, as they are not guaranteed basic rights.

Donation Supports Critical Food Program for Vulnerable Children

The donation from Luena Foundation was used to purchase food supplies, including 1,800kg of maize flour and 516kgs of beans. This is enough to provide staple foods to the 60 children sheltered at God’s Love Home for about three months.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

The mission of God’s Love Home & School is to provide for, love and educate poor and vulnerable children (especially orphaned), irrespective of faith or other background, of Kibwa Zone.

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
