About the Project
The project consisted of constructing a kitchen and dining area for a school.
Laguna Negra, Boaco, Nicaragua
Quick Project Stats
Funding Date | May – June 2021 |
Luena Investment | $4,000 |
CBO Partner | Fundación Civil Hogar Luceros Del Amanecer |
Village | Laguna Negra |
Country | Nicaragua |
# of Children Impacted | 103 |
Community Contribution | manual labor |
Comfortable and Reliable Food Access Linked to Educational Success
Children’s education is the primary focus of the Fundación’s work. In Laguna Negra, Escuela Madre Teresa de Calcuta did not have an adequate space for children and teachers to eat during the school day. Children were eating a snack either on the floor or outside in direct sunlight. In addition, mothers were sometimes traveling long distances from their homes to bring food to their children during the school day, or in some cases, children would not attend school if they wouldn’t be able to get a meal during the day.
New Facilities Support Nutrition and School Engagement
The donation from Luena Foundation was used to build a dining room with tables and seats where children could enjoy their meals and a kitchen where food can be prepared for the children. This relieves some of the economic burden on families, as well as the time and effort for mothers who were bringing food to the school, and it supports school attendance. A warehouse was also built to protect all the school’s work materials.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Hogar Luceros del Amanecer Foundation, a non-profit NGO, has been improving the living conditions of the poorest, most vulnerable and underprivileged families in the city of Camoapa, Nicaragua since 2004.
To learn more about our partner organization, click here.