About the Project
The project consisted of strengthening the personal skills of 22 adolescents to lead activities in favor of the prevention of adolescent pregnancy.
Ayacucho, Perú
Quick Project Stats
Funding Date | May – December 2022 |
Luena Investment | $5,000 |
CBO Partner | Desarrollo Integral Adolescente (DIA) |
Village | Ayacucho |
Country | Perú |
# of Children Impacted | 1,362 |
Community Contribution | Participation in educational workshops and information fair |
Unwanted Pregnancies Increase Threats to Girls’ Wellbeing
In Ayacucho, the percentage of pregnancies in adolescents between 12 and 17 years old has increased, from 15.1% in 2020 to 16.8% in 2021. A percentage of girls and adolescents who become pregnant have been victims of sexual and/or family abuse and violence, which aggravates their situation of defenselessness. There is little legal support or attention to psychological damage for these girls, among other factors related to the exercise of their rights. Adolescents endure unwanted pregnancy, dropping out of school, social and family stigmatization (since the victim is blamed for being pregnant), and increased risk that they and their children may suffer from malnutrition, anemia, and other threats to wellbeing and survival.
Educational Workshops Support Teen Safety and Wellbeing
The donation from Luena Foundation was used to strengthen the leadership skills of 20 teens and 2 teen mothers through activities that included two life skills workshops, a life project workshop, a sexuality workshop, a TikTok contest with the theme “We unite to prevent teenage pregnancy”, and participation in the Adolescent Network for the promotion of the rights of children and adolescents. In addition, the adolescent leaders carried out pregnancy prevention activities, including 51 workshops in schools, one “I Decide” information fair on sexuality, and three educational videos shared on Facebook.
These activities reached 1,362 adolescents from different schools in Ayacucho, expanding their knowledge of sexuality: 96% learned about the use of contraceptive methods, and 92% learned about the causes of sexually transmitted infections. The community and beneficiaries considered that the project was of great importance because it contributed to informed decision-making to support wellbeing and the personal goals of adolescents and thus promote the prevention of unwanted pregnancy in adolescents.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

DIA works to empower vulnerable adolescents in Ayacucho, Peru, to become agents of change in their own development.
To learn more about our partner organization, click here.