About the Project
The project consisted of construction of a four compartment, gender-sensitive pit latrine, extension of pipe-borne clean drinking water to the school, and provision of handwashing facilities at a school.
Dibanda Village, Buea subdivision, Southwest Cameroon
Quick Project Stats
Funding Date | January 2024 – April 2024 |
Luena Investment | $3,650 |
CBO Partner | Action For Change (AFC) and Sumar Lakhani Foundation |
Village | Dibanda Village |
Country | Cameroon |
# of Children Impacted | 364 |
Community Contribution | manual labor, contribution of locally-available materials (gravel) |
WASH a Critical Element Lacking in Cameroon
Dibanda village is a typical slum community in Buea subdivision, Southwest region of Cameroon. In the growing population of over 10,000 people, most are poor peasant farmers with very low income. Over 95% of households in this community live below the UN poverty line (less than $2 a day). The absence of a good toilet facility has caused poor and needy children attending Dibanda Secondary School to practice open defecation in nearby farms and streams. Students also abandon lessons in search of precious drinking water some kilometers away from school. Some end up drinking contaminated water used by domestic animals. Diarrhea and typhoid are common among children of school age.
New WASH Facilities Improve Health and Education
The donation from Luena Foundation, together with $1,850 from Sumar Lakhani Foundation, was used to construct a four compartment, gender-sensitive pit-latrine (separate sections for boys and girls), extend pipe-borne clean drinking water to the school, and provide wash facilities to the school. Our efforts benefit the 364 children attending Dibanda Secondary School and their eight teachers. The project was deemed of high importance by the community and beneficiaries because it would enhance education (students do not abandon their lessons again in search of drinking water), ensure hygiene and sanitation, and eliminate all forms of preventable diseases and deaths resulting from poor hygiene and sanitation and drinking of contaminated water.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Action for Change (AFC) works to empower disadvantaged rural communities for the fight against unemployment, illiteracy, poverty, violence against women and environmental destruction.
To learn more about our partner organization, click here.