Critical Support for Rescued Children in Central Kenya

Previously street-connected children now living at CVRC

About the Project

The project consisted of purchasing materials and improving facilities at Christ Victory Rescue Centre.


Maua, Meru, Kenya

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateNovember 2023 – November 2024
Luena Investment$10,000
CBO PartnerChrist Victory Rescue Centre (CVRC)
# of Children Impacted50
Community Contributionmanual labor, contribution of locally-available food donations, school scholarships

Multiple Threats to Child Safety and Wellbeing

A significant portion of Maua residents live below the poverty line, with many earning just $1 or $2 a day and struggling to make ends meet. It is also a region where a major cash crop stimulus drug called Mirra is grown as well as an area burdened by underaged marriage and pregnancies. Residents are faced with scarce employment opportunities, and many turn to criminal activities, including prostitution, drug use, theft, and illegal alcohol production as means of survival. This has led to widespread insecurity in the Maua slums and an increasing number of abandoned and neglected street children. Christ Victory Rescue Centre works to provide shelter, nourishment, care, and education to these children. Many of our beneficiaries arrive malnourished and traumatized, having experienced hardships that no child should endure.

Support Provides Safety and Comfort for Vulnerable Children

The donation from Luena Foundation was used to support urgent needs by covering the monthly rent of the home; constructing toilets; purchasing bunk beds, mattresses, and blankets; buying a water tank; and building a security fence around the property.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Christ Victory Rescue Centre (CVRC) was established in November 2023 in response to a severe crisis involving countless children who were starving, using drugs, and dying on the streets. CVRC aims to foster each and every rescued child through attentive care, essential resources, and life skills. Recognizing the importance of holistic care, we have implemented various initiatives to address their physical, emotional, and educational needs.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
