Educational Support for Vulnerable Students in Western Malawi

Students visit a historical site as part of their lessons

About the Project

The project consisted of providing school uniforms and paying educational fees for vulnerable students.


Masekese Village, Namitete, Malawi

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateOctober – December 2023
Luena Investment$2,000
CBO PartnerConsol Homes – Greenfield Academy
VillageMasekese Village in Namitete
# of Children Impacted77
Community ContributionIdentification of needy learners; Provision of traditional counselling to learners, especially girls, to stay in school.

Financial Barriers Limit Education for Many Bright Students

In recent years, many intelligent but vulnerable children drop out of school due to lack of fees. Primary school in Malawi is free, but secondary school education requires payment of school fees. Many deserving learners would pass their final Primary School Examinations and get selected to Government Secondary Schools. After happily going to attend such schools, some learners are sent back home if they have not paid school fees by the time the tuition grace period ends. For many, this means the end of their formal education. For example, one of the students at Greenfield Academy, Moffatt Salima, had dropped out of one of these government secondary schools. Moffatt is very brilliant; fortunately, after being out of school for a whole year, he was enrolled at Greenfield Academy in Form 1 as a supported student.

Support for Fees Advances Student Achievement

The donation from Luena Foundation was used to pay school tuition fees for 35 students and to purchase new school uniforms for 20 students. In addition, the donation paid exam fees that allowed 22 students to sit for National Final Examinations at Malawi School Certificate (MSCE) and Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE). It is worth noting that two of the supported learners passed examinations very well and within the qualifying range to be selected to any of the National Universities. All of the learners benefited from the use of a furnished laboratory and the acquired textbooks from the donation.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Consol Homes works to promote community participation in the care and support of orphans and other vulnerable children for social, educational and economic advancement. Founded by Consol Homes in 2018, Greenfield Academy provides high quality, low cost secondary education to young people in central Malawi.

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
