About the Project
The project involved construction of an extra classroom for grade school children, to promote easy access to universal education by providing grade school education to marginalized children who graduate from our preschool.
Kanamkemer Ward, Lodwar Town, Turkana County, Kenya
Quick Project Stats
Funding Date | November 2023 – December 2023 |
Luena Investment | $4,600 |
CBO Partner | Turkana Community Foundation (TCF) |
Village | Kanamkemer Ward, Lodwar Town |
Country | Kenya |
# of Children Impacted | 100 |
Community Contribution | Site engineer, manual labor, contribution of locally available materials (gravel) |
Providing Better Access to Education
Despite education being free in Kenya, marginalized locations tend to have very slow growth of infrastructure. Kanamkemer ward of Turkana County is ranked among the poorest counties in Kenya. Kanam ward has approximately 50,000 people, with the majority being young children. The majority of the residents live a nomadic lifestyle which has led to school dropouts as residents search for pasture for their livestock. They are also are survivors of violence from neighboring communities through raids, and they live through long drought periods. As a result, they can hardly meet their basic physical human needs, and education is not prioritized.
Due to its location, this community lacks basic amenities including education and health facilities. The closest school is 5 kilometers away which makes it inaccessible for young children, and only older children are able to make the journey. Without preschool education, these kids are significantly behind as they start school, and they are not able to compete with their peers. This leads to regular dropouts, contributing to illiteracy and poverty.
The above challenges not only affect the children but the whole community, thus compelling the management of Turkana Community Foundation (TCF) to consult on the best approach. TCF has established the Wings of Hope Education Center which only has one classroom that can only accommodate a few children.
New Classroom Serves More Students
The donation received from Luena Foundation and Sumar Lakhani Foundation was used in the construction of a spacious and secure classroom at Wings of Hope Education Center, to promote easy access to universal education for marginalized children. The project was profound in the sense that it elevated the face of the school. The availability of a ready to use classroom has encouraged more parents and guardians to seek enrollment for grade one at Wings of Hope Education Center for the year 2024.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Turkana Community Foundation is a registered organization in Kenya that is run and managed by marginalized young people with a mission to nurture and economically empower marginalized youth and women to spur their development. We operate in the rural settlements of Kakamega and Turkana.