Emergency Response Project in Northern Tanzania

The Mwanza Emergency Response Project’s ambulance is now fully equipped thanks to a grant from Luena Foundation

About the Project

The project consisted of supporting free citywide emergency services via ambulance.


Ilemela & Nyamagana districts in Mwanza, Tanzania

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateApril 2023
Luena Investment$4,500
CBO PartnerTanzania Rural Health Movement (TRHM)
# of Children Impacted2,550
Community Contributionstaff first responders, in-kind donations, awareness campaign 

Increased Need for Prehospital Emergency Medical Services

Emergency medical services (EMS) responders are the initial health care providers at the scene of disaster. Emergency care outside the hospital helps to reduce pain, preserve life, and prevent worse outcomes. Over 60% of severely injured patients who are treated in the Emergency Department of the Zonal Hospital in Mwanza receive no prehospital emergency care services. Due to regional development, road traffic incidents have been increasing daily, and underserved communities are prone to these injuries/Incidents.

The Mwanza Community Emergency Response Project works to bridge the gap in the provision of prehospital emergency care services. The project focuses on training laypersons as first responders. These first responders are equipped with basic skills and equipment and deployed to respond to medical emergencies with the support of dispatching technologies. The project has acquired and adapted a van for use as an ambulance to transport patients from the scene to the hospital for definitive care. However, the ambulance lacked key equipment, which limited the function of the ambulance.

Equipment Improves Emergency Medical Services

The donation from Luena Foundation was used to equip the Emergency Response Project’s ambulance with a spine board, stretcher, and oxygen gas cylinder. The ambulance is now functioning properly in responding to emergency cases in the underserved and rural communities.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

The Tanzania Rural Health Movement is a registered non-profit organization (NGO) situated in Mwanza, Tanzania. Our primary mission is to enhance health services across the region, conduct vital health research, and promote environmental sustainability as it relates to health outcomes. We are dedicated to improving the overall well-being of communities by addressing both health needs and the environmental factors that influence health.

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
