About the Project
The project involved procuring foodstuffs to continue school-based feeding for children attending Shine Preparatory School.
Luhwahwa Village, Kajwenge Trading Centre, Kisinga in Kasese District of western Uganda
Quick Project Stats
Funding Date | December 2023 |
Luena Investment | $1,500 |
CBO Partner | PARC-Uganda |
Village | Luhwahwa, Kajwenge Trading Centre |
Country | Uganda |
# of Children Impacted | 245 |
Community Contribution | Providing firewood, foodstuffs, & paying wages for the cook |
Limited Food Access Causes Challenges for Education
Students often come to school without having eaten, and they have become malnourished over time. Hunger and malnutrition make it difficult to concentrate on their studies. As result of the area the school is situated, it is possible to acquire all vegetables locally, thus decreasing the costs of transport and giving a small boost to the local economy. However, due to no harvest in the community as a result of drought, PARC was forced to buy processed maize flour from the shops at a higher prices.
Student Nutrition Improves Health and Focus
The donation from Luena Foundation was used for purchasing food to continue school-based feeding for children attending Shine Preparatory School. This helped all children attending Shine School to get two nutritious meals each day, including breakfast porridge and a noon meal. The noon meal is made out of maize flour mixed with water to make posho, and served with beans sauce fried with cooking oil. Vegetables are also added on the menu, which may be fried separately or directly adding into beans sauce. Different vegetable are served on different days to improve the kids’ appetites.
What do School Meals Look Like at Shine Preparatory?
Maize: This is one of the staple foods. It lacks enough protein for a proper meal therefore this lack needs to be addressed in other ways such as adding protein-rich products. The porridge is made out of maize flour mixed with milk and water, with sugar added and served with fruits (yellow bananas) and bread on alternating days.
Beans: This is one of the staple food and it is rich in protein and other nutrients. It is a common habit to mix or serve them with any other foodstuff such mattoke/(plantains, sweet potatoes, corn flour, etc.
Vegetables: The vegetable being used for the school lunch will be mainly dodo, cabbage, egg plants as these are available in abundance, can be stored over a longer period of time and also has a good amount of vitamins and minerals. It is a common habit to mix them with some tomatoes or onion.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

Partners for Resource and Community Connect (PARC-Uganda) is a children oriented non-profit, community based organization that provides support to marginalized communities across the Rwenzori region of western Uganda. PARC-Uganda’s mission is to be the catalyst for the global community involvement in transformation of marginalized and overlooked regions of Africa. We envision a world of equal opportunity where children live and grow without barriers and suffering regardless of race, ethnicity, location or socioeconomic status. We believe that empowering children to become leaders can facilitate and sustain transformation of their communities.
To learn more about our partner organization, click here.