Street Medicine Project for At-Risk Children in Northern Tanzania

TRHM’s Street Medicine Project works to ensure that street-connected children in Mwanza, Tanzania, access friendly healthcare services under an outreach plan

About the Project

The project consisted of providing free healthcare services and psychosocial support to children dwelling on the streets of Mwanza.


Ilemela & Nyamagana districts in Mwanza, Tanzania

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateApril 2024
Luena Investment$4,500
CBO PartnerTanzania Rural Health Movement (TRHM)
# of Children Impacted271
Community ContributionIn kind donations, medical student volunteers

Street-Connected Children At High Risk of Disease

Street-connected children are defined as children who depend on the streets to live and/or work, whether alone, with peers, or with family. These children struggle to access their social needs and healthcare services on transit to safe homes. In Mwanza, Tanzania, there are about 2,500 street-connected children dwelling on the streets. These children avoid needed healthcare services for a variety of reasons, including uncertainty over the quality of care they receive, stigmatization by healthcare providers, and minority status.

Due to the challenges facing this underserved community, and their delay in accessing healthcare and support, these children end up with disease complications. In Mwanza, Tanzania, the street-connected children are commonly affected with typhoid fevers, worms, diarrhea, schistosomiasis, wounds, skin manifestations, anemia, upper respiratory tract infections, fungal infections, sexual transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and others. Lack of clothes, food, shoes, hygiene practices, and parental guidance also increases the risk of contracting these diseases.

Street Medicine Project Reduces the Incidence of Disease

The donation from Luena Foundation supports TRHM’s Street Medicine Project, which works to ensure the street-connected children in Mwanza, Tanzania, access friendly healthcare services under an outreach plan. The funding was used to purchase shaving equipment, which helps street-connected children improve their personal hygiene and minimize the risk for fungal infections such as tinea capitis. The donation also purchased 150 pairs of shoes; together with nail clipping services, this reduces infection from Neglected Tropical Diseases such as schistosomiasis and worms due to poor hygiene practices. Lastly, the project has continued to provide mass drug administration to eliminate the Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

The Tanzania Rural Health Movement is a registered non-profit organization (NGO) situated in Mwanza, Tanzania. Our primary mission is to enhance health services across the region, conduct vital health research, and promote environmental sustainability as it relates to health outcomes. We are dedicated to improving the overall well-being of communities by addressing both health needs and the environmental factors that influence health.

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
