Clean Water and Latrines for a Secondary School in Malawi

A borehole provides reliable access to clean water at an inclusive secondary school

About the Project

The project consisted of constructing a latrine and a borehole at Chifundo Inclusive Secondary School.


Goma Village, Chikwawa District, Malawi

Quick Project Stats

Funding DateNovember 2024
Luena Investment$2,000
CBO PartnerChifundo Epilepsy Foundation
# of Children Impacted100
Community Contributionmanual labor to drill the borehole and molding bricks for latrine

Lack of Clean Water and Sanitation Facilities Poses Health Risks

Chifundo Inclusive Secondary School, which serves vulnerable children with epilepsy and other disabilities, lacked adequate sanitation facilities, posing health risks to students and staff. In addition to the latrine project, we identified a critical need for a reliable source of clean water at the school. The school and surrounding community relied on contaminated water sources, exacerbating health risks.

Water and Sanitation Improve Community Health and Well-being

The joint donation from Luena Foundation was used to construct a new latrine facility and to dig a borehole, enabling us to address both the sanitation and water needs of the school. The construction of the latrine facility and the drilling of the borehole have significantly improved the health and wellbeing of students, staff, and community members.

Meet our Partner Community-Based Organization

The mission of the Chifundo Epilepsy Awareness Foundation is to empower individuals with epilepsy by providing services aimed at reintegrating them into the community as independent and productive citizens. The foundation strives to end the stigma and discrimination associated with epilepsy and ensure that those affected receive respect, dignity, medical care, education, and employment opportunities. The foundation operates primarily in Goma Village of Traditional Authority Ngabu, Chikwawa District, but its services extend across Malawi​.

To learn more about our partner organization, click here.

Picture of About Luena Foundation

About Luena Foundation

The Luena Foundation aims to serve and safeguard vulnerable children around the world by protecting their basic human rights and by fostering love, hope, strength and joy. We use the donations we receive to invest in locally-led grassroots projects and organizations whose mission is to create a more compassionate world for children everywhere.
